Saturday, October 3, 2015

Samsung Galaxy Pocket plus S5301 V4.0.4 Official Firmwear By Samsung

Phone Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus
Model GT-S5301
PDA Version S5301ZSAMH2
CSC Version S5301OZSAMH2
PHONE Version S5301ZSMH1
Region TGY
Build Date 16.08.2013
Changelist 1248148
OS Ice Cream Sandwich
OS Version 4.0.4

Flashing requirements:
- Odin Tool (Download)
- Desired firmware package
- Samsung device drivers (Download)

Flashing guide:
1. Download and extract a zip file containing your desired firmware.
2. Open Odin Tool.
3. Boot your device in the "Download Mode":
     Press Volume Down, Power and Home buttons at same time for 5-8 seconds until download mode is active.

4. Connect your device to PC via the USB cable while in download mode.
5. Next, check the "Auto Reboot" and "F. Reset Time" options in Odin Tool.
6. Hit the AP/PDA button then browse and select a tar.md5 file from the extracted folder.
7. Finally press the start button to begin flashing the firmware update on your device.

Firmwear Dwonload Link..............

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